Proven Methods to Get A PMP Certificate without Exams

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Project Management Professional certification is not required for project managers, but it’s often considered an essential benchmark of your knowledge in the field and will help you advance in your career. Can i use a fake PMP certificate, buy PMI certificate, buy fake Project Management Professional certificate, buy fake diploma in Project Management.

You need at least a few years of experience in project management to even sit for a PMP test, and it requires weeks – if not months – of study. But getting those initials by your name can help spark recruiter interest on LinkedIn and open the eyes of higher-ups at your company.

The first PMP certification exam was offered by the Project Management Institute in 1984, and more than 1 million people have earned the certification since then.

Fifteen years ago, it wasn’t as important for a project manager to have the PMP certification, says Vijay Kanabar, associate professor and director of project management programs at Boston University’s Metropolitan College and an international authority on project management.

“Today, I’ll be surprised if you will find any HR manager releasing a job description for traditional project management (roles) without mentioning the word PMP,” says Kanabar, who has earned the certification and has led PMP exam preparation for more than 20 years.